Self-Care Teaching Project Summary
NURS 402: Role Development for the Baccalaureate Nurse as Educator
Self-Care Teaching Project
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to provide the student the opportunity to summarize in detail the development, implementation, and evaluation of an instructional intervention for a specific patient or professional group.
Student Approach to Assignment
This assignment was very special for me and served as therapy. Being on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic, experiencing a nursing shortage, and overcoming everyday stressors, fatigue, and burnout prompted me to step away from focusing on clinical topic education. Submerged by everyday routine, work, family responsibilities, kids, school, and other errands, people neglect to recognize their needs and spend time for themselves. I was one of those people; I ignored my needs. Since there were no strict guidelines on the subject matter, that was a perfect opportunity to concentrate on my and my peers' needs. It was a pure joy to work on this project!
Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio
I included this assignment to showcase my eagerness to improve nurses' work-life balance. I gained a greater knowledge about self-care and its significance. It helped me learn about the importance of self-care and measures to protect my well-being. I discovered ways to prioritize myself and taught my peers how to do the same. It demonstrated my ability to research and develop teaching interventions using the nursing process. I educated my peers about self-care value and evaluated my delivery and their understanding.