LeADERS Mission
LeADERS is a pathway connecting undergraduate ODU students to enriching courses and active learning experiences resulting in a competitive edge in their chosen careers.

Firmly adhering to LeADERS mission, my Old Dominion University's LeADERS program connected me to courses and real-world experiences in the areas of Leadership, Academic Internship, Diversity, Research, and Service Learning. This LeADERS ePortfolio shares educational experiences and showcases my personal and professional development.
As a post-licensure nursing major, I strived for an experience that would interrelate knowledge from diverse courses to create a more comprehensive insight into my accomplishments. Although it took me more than a decade to obtain a baccalaureate degree after gaining my nursing license, I always wanted my educational experiences to blend and be valuable for a better future in my career. I was very lucky to choose ODU! My RN to BSN program was exceptionally well thought out because the majority of my courses satisfied LeADERS requirements.
Additionally, the LeADERS section of my ePortfolio allowed me to demonstrate the interconnectedness of my nursing and non-nursing courses. The platform expanded my understanding of the intent of various courses and their substantial impact on my future in nursing.
Participation in the LeADERS program inspired me to pursue a higher degree. I am confident I have what it takes to continue showing my commitment to healthcare science and make a difference to those I serve.