Personal Philosophy of Nursing
Introduction to Professional Development for Baccalaureate Nursing Practice
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student to discover his or her personal philosophy of nursing as it exists at the beginning of the academic journey toward the BSN.

Student Approach to Assignment
This paper helped me to delve into my belief of what professional nursing was. I was challenged to connect words with my meaning and the importance of professional nursing. I looked back at the beginning of my career and how I progressed. I examined my practice and described the rationale behind my interventions. I expressed my passions and inspirations. I evaluated my professional growth and acknowledged my educational challenges. Although I have achieved much within my professional career, I realized I was not a complete learner.
Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio
I have included this assignment because it demonstrates my foundation and my stance on professional nursing. It was the first paper as a building block at the beginning of my RN to BSN program, where I was showcasing the development of my career and my nursing values.